Wednesday 7 August 2013

Bad habits often compromise a healthy lifestyle. No matter what your bad habit is, you can tackle it by identifying your weaknesses changing your mind’s focus.
Identifying Bad Habits
First, identify your bad habits and what keeps you from changing them:
  • Make a list of your good and bad habits. Recognize those habits you would like to change.
  • Organize a plan when cravings for bad habits return. Know how you will handle these cravings. If possible, try to avoid them.
  • Recognize the barriers that will keep you from changing your bad habits. Avoid situations and people that will cause you to resort to performing your bad habits.
Break the Cycle and Change Your Behavior
Depending on what your bad habit is, a number of tricks can help you break the cycle. For example:
  • Avoid using food or other substances (smoking, drinking, etc.) to comfort yourself. Instead, use other, less damaging techniques such as listening to soothing music or chewing gum.
  • Avoid sugary drinks. Keep bottles of water at home and at work. If you don’t like drinking plain water, try flavored, but make sure you select a low- or no-sugar option.
  • If you just can’t stop slouching, set a timer on your watch for every few minutes. Use the alarm as a reminder to check your posture and sit or stand up straight. Keep lengthening the time intervals as you get better at keeping your posture a priority.

Need a little help getting started on the path to a more active lifestyle? Having a little trouble staying motivated and sticking with your exercise routine? We’ve got tips that can help. Read on…!
1. Integrate exercise into your routine Using active transportation to get to and from work, camp or school each day makes great sense… so does running errands on foot or by bike. Look at your schedule each week and determine where you can use active transportation.
2. Exercise at the same time every day Most people find that committing to a schedule is the way to go. Whether you exercise in the morning, mid-day or evening, you’’re more likely to stick with it if you commit to the same time each day.
3. Choose physical activity that fits your life Hands down, walking has to be the easiest way to get more physical activity. It can be done just about anywhere — including in the pool where water resistance will add some challenge! If you’’d like to pump up your walking workouts a little, add some Nordic walking poles, vary the terrain, walk with a friend, join a group, add some jogging or running sprints, or challenge yourself with some charitable walking events for a cause you believe in.
4. Exercise with a friend Some people prefer to exercise on their own while others are more likely to start and stick with it if they have the company of a motivated friend or group. I do a bit of both. As an example, when it comes to running, I enjoy a running on my own or with a friend, and as part of a group each week.
5. Crank up the tunes Tune out distractions and tune in to music you enjoy as a means of staying motivated.
6. Mix it up! What I really mean here is enjoy as many activities as possible. Participate in the activities you enjoy and try some new ones that challenge you in new ways. Many people who enjoy outdoor cycling throughout the summer for example, move to indoor spin classes or swimming throughout the colder months. Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut!
7. Choose an activity you enjoy Physical activity should be fun and something you want to engage in again and again. If you’’re miserable running or swimming for example, it may be time to explore some new options. How about a spin class, walking with a friend, or playing some tennis?
8. Have a goal Set realistic short and longer term goals for yourself and hold yourself accountable to them.
9. Add some intervals and sprints Add some intervals or sprints to increase your heart rate and obtain a better workout. For example, while enjoying a walk, add a few power walking intervals that are 30, 45 or 60 seconds in length.
10. Inspire and encourage others! Helping others get started with physical activity can also inspire you to stick with your own workouts and to strive for more challenging goals.
Cheers to all,

Hey, have you heard this? Gossiping is good for your health -- it helps lower stress and also controls bad behaviour, scientists claim.
Researchers from the University of California in Berkeley said that gossiping, specifically about a person who has behaved badly, can play a critical role in maintaining social order, preventing exploitation and lowering stress.
For their study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the scientists carried out a series of detailed experiments focused on chatter known as "pro-social" gossip, in which those passing on information are warning others about untrustworthy or dishonest people.
In the first experiment, 51 volunteers were hooked up to heart rate monitors as they checked the scores of two people playing a game. After a couple of rounds, they could see that one player was not playing by the rules and hoarding all the points.
Observers' heart rates increased as they witnessed the cheating, and most seized the opportunity to slip a note to a new player warning that his or her opponent was unlikely to play fair. The experience of passing on the information reduced their heart rate.
"Passing on the gossip note ameliorated their negative feelings and tempered their frustration. Gossiping made them feel better," Robb Willer, a social psychologist and co-author of the study, was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.
In the second experiment, 111 volunteers filled out questionnaires about their level of altruism and cooperativeness. They then observed monitors showing the scores from three rounds of the game, and saw that one player was cheating.
The more "pro-social" observers reported feeling frustrated by the betrayal and then relieved to be given a chance to pass a note to the next player to prevent them being exploited.
Matthew Feinberg, a social psychologist and lead author of the paper, said: "A central reason for engaging in gossip was to help others out – more so than just to talk trash about the selfish individual.

'Bad' habit that's good for you 1: Gossiping

Most of us love a good gossip, whether we’re giggling over a colleague’s new romance or passing an opinion on someone’s outfit choice or behavior, and the good news is that gossiping could actually be good for us. Not only does listening to gossip help us to learn more about the characters of those around us, bonding and having a laugh with your peers also releases feel-good hormones which help to relieve stress and anxiety.
Gossiping can relieve stress and anxietyGossiping can relieve stress and anxiety

'Bad' habit that's good for you 2: Drinking coffee

Although drinking too much coffee can be detrimental to your health, in smaller quantities the popular hot drink can actually be good for you. When drunk in moderation (no more than three cups per day), caffeine can speed up your metabolism, boost exercise endurance and reduce your risk of gallstones and kidney stones. A study by the Harvard Medical School has also found that women who drink two or more cups of coffee a day are less likely to be depressed, while separate research has shown that drinking three cups cuts risk of age-related diabetes.

'Bad' habit that's good for you 3: Fidgeting

It’s the bane of school teachers everywhere, yet research suggests that fidgeting may be no bad thing – at least in us adults. Research suggests that fidgeting can burn up to 350 extra calories a day, helping you to keep off those excess pounds. To further increase your calorie burn, try to squeeze in more incidental exercise, such as getting up to change the channel rather than using the remote control.

'Bad' habit that's good for you 4: Swearing

Swearing: it’s not big and it’s not clever... but studies suggest that in certain situations it may actually be good for you. According to a study by the University of East Anglia, swearing at work could help employees cope with stress and maintain solidarity. Meanwhile, researchers at Keele University’s School of Psychology found that swearing can provide effective short-term relief from pain. However, the study also notes that swearing should be reserved for crises only, as the higher the daily swearing frequency was for participants, the less pain relief they experienced.

'Bad' habit that's good for you 5: Skipping a shower

OK, so repeatedly missing showers may not win you any friends, but if you are ever tempted to skip a shower here and there, research suggests that you could be doing your health (and the environment) a favour. Daily washing not only strips your skin of the natural oils that keep it hydrated and supple, it could also strip your skin of good bacteria that help to prevent disease. If you do decide to skip a shower, just try to do it on a day when you won’t be vigorously working out!

'Bad' habit that's good for you 6: Losing your temper

Many of us have been brought up to believe that losing our temper is the ultimate social faux pas. To an extent this is true (nobody wants to hang out with that person who is always losing their cool and shouting their mouth off), however research has found that losing your temper could actually be good for your health. Venting your emotions is believed to reduce the effects of stress, while a Swedish study found that men who bottled up their anger when unfairly treated at work doubled their risk of having a heart attack.

'Bad' habit that's good for you 7: Sunbathing

In recent years, official advice has been that we should cover up in the sun at all times to protect ourselves from skin cancer. However, more recently experts have stated that actually little and frequent sun exposure is good for us. In the UK, where vitamin D deficiency is common, seven leading health groups and charities have issued a statement advising everyone to spend 10 minutes in the midday sun without sunblock in order to avoid rickets. Meanwhile, a US study has stated that the vitamin D produced by the sun could help ward off colds and flu. However, experts have stressed that people should cover up after 10 minutes, and skin should never be red at the end of the day.
Have a lie-in can be good for youHave a lie-in can be good for you

'Bad' habit that's good for you 8: Having a lie-in

Feeling guilty about your weekend lie-in? Don’t be! Research has found that sleep can help you live longer, boost your memory and reduce stress, while not getting enough can lead to accidents, weight gain, and increased risk of heart disease. Furthermore, delaying your morning workout in favour of some shut-eye may have health benefits, as research from Brunel University found that heavy training sessions early in the morning can compromise the immune system.

'Bad' habit that's good for you 9: Giving in to your cravings

Although constantly giving into junk food cravings is a sure-fire way to sabotage your healthy eating success, allowing yourself the odd treat will not only boost your happiness, it will also help you keep motivated to stay on track. Also, as many people crave the foods that they most attempt to resist, allowing yourself a little of what you fancy can actually help to reduce cravings. If you have imposed extreme restrictions on your diet and cut out entire food groups, cravings could also be a sign of a nutrient deficiency in your diet.

'Bad' habit that's good for you 10: Daydreaming

Many of us view daydreaming as a sign of laziness or form of procrastination; however, researchers at the University of British Columbia have found that letting your mind wander can actually help boost your problem-solving abilities. The study found that when participants minds wandered, the parts of their brain associated with problem-solving became more active than when focused on routine tasks. So, while daydreaming can increase the time it takes to complete your present task, it can allow you to unconsciously sort through other important problems in your life.
There are many healthy eating habits in an individual that should be followed to have best eating habits. However, the best six are the most crucial and necessary ones that will accelerate the overall healthy body in a person. One should get fully determinate to start these healthy eating habit and thus before one could realize it will have soon developed a much healthier eating lifestyle.
Drinking plenty of Water
The foremost habit that a person needs to develop is its water drinking habit. One should understand that your body need to be well hydrated so that can enable him to process all the nutrient and minerals that your eat properly. An individual should drink at least eight glasses of water per day on an average climatic environment. The quantity is increase if you are living in a hot environment like on a beach in 95-degree weather, or if you are exercising. If an individual is trying to shed its pounds than adding, plenty of ice to each glass of water will help your body burn energy and warm the water up to the body temperature. Thus according to certain researches, one can raise up its metabolism rate by drinking 1/3 ice water every day.
No Skipping Breakfast
Its being proved and said over by many health experts that avoiding breakfast means avoiding the must have fuel for doing the daily activity. Your body requires a good start in the morning to perform daily activity. Having a high protein and high carbohydrates breakfast in the morning helps you perform your daily task efficiently. A healthy breakfast habit enables you to have better cognitive development and even helps you in maintaining your weight.
Lunch is Must
People tend to pretend that after having a heavy high protein breakfast they can easily skip over their lunch. However, by skipping lunch an individual is actually calling for various ailments such as drop in blood sugar level, metabolism slows down and when the person gets home after work, will eat up everything that gets on his hand without a thought. If an individual as no time or less time, than he must at least eat a light lunch, that can at least stabilize the body energy for rest of the day.
Eating the Right Snack
Choose healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables, low fat yogurt, cottage cheese with applesauce, some whole-wheat crackers with cheese, or some trail mix. This is because; we all need to snack in between which gives us small energy boost in our body. It is often mention that two healthy snacks are often good nourishment for our body then three main meals.
Do not avoid Fruits and Vegetables
One should always eat a piece of fruit for a snack, can have some banana and raisins in their favorite breakfast cereal, a vegetable salad with lunch, and make it a habit to fix at least one vegetable side with dinner each night. One can also add quick snack of fruit desert after night meals to have the complete five fruit essential require for the body.
 Do Dinners before Nine
It is highly recommended to individual that they have their dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed. This gives your body a chance to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 8 hours. Hence, follow these six healthy eating habits and feel the difference in your life style.
According to recent studies in UK, 40 percent of Cancer can be barred. We must know that there are many lifestyle related aspects that suit the reasons of Cancer occurrence. Here are 5 bad lifestyle habits avoiding which can help you to stay away from Cancer.

1.       Tobacco Chewing and Smoking
These days smoking is usually known as an important thing to get better social connection in different crowd. This lifestyle habit is responsible for innumerable deaths every year over the world, because this bad lifestyle habit is responsible for lung Cancer.  We already know how smoking is harmful for human body, smoking tobacco-based cigarettes, chewing tobacco increase the percentage of Cancer of different body parts.

2.       Alcohol
If you are alcohol addicted then you are at risk of getting introduced to the Cancers of liver, Cancers of bowel, pharynx and oral cavity, breast and esophagus. Alcohol consumption is responsible for colon and rectal Cancers too. Alcoholism is a social lifestyle habit that causes more harm than benefits.

3.       Different Meat Varieties
Diet plays an important role in human lifestyle and we must be careful in choosing the food for regular diets. Red meat is found to be linked with the beginning of pancreatic Cancer. According to meta-analysis the British Journal of Cancer which looked at different studies of more than 5000 pancreatic Cancer cases. These researches tell that there was a 29 percent increase in pancreatic Cancer risk for men who eat red meat daily.

4.       Unprotected Sex
If you get involved in unsafe sex, you can be victim of cervical Cancer and other different types of Cancers. Cervical Cancer is rising dramatically among women in their 20s. As per a study on cervical Cancer doctors blame the rise on the fact that girls are having unprotected sex.  Unsafe sex increases the presence of HPV Virus or.  HPV virus decreases the capability of human body to fight against these viruses.

5.       Hair Dyes
International Agency for Research into Cancer (IARC) said that use of hair dyes that contain huge number of chemicals in being linked with the increasing cases of Cancer. IARC said hairdressers have more risk of Cancer because they are regularly in touch to these chemicals.  However, by wearing globes and using others safety covers they can reduce their exposure.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Lose fat fast with a “lifestyle” change that helps you maintain body composition results for the long run. This article will provide eight tips for changing your lifestyle so that you get lean and feel good…and are still lean and energized throughout the year.

Tip #1: Build Muscle to Increase Your Resting Metabolic Rate
Your best defense against fat is to increase your resting metabolic rate (RMR) by building muscle. Your RMR makes up the bulk of the calories your burn every day. The magic of a workout program that builds muscle is not only that it elevates your RMR by increasing the amount of muscle you have, but it also increases the amount of calories you use during the 24-hour recovery period post-workout.

One study that provides an example of muscle building and RMR on fat is compared two 12-week weight training protocols done by women. One protocol used weights that were heavy enough to build muscle and the second used light weights and were intended to build endurance. The women that lifted the heavier weights lost nearly 12 lbs of body fat, gained about 6 lbs of muscle, and had dramatic increases in strength. The women who did the high rep/light weight program lost NO fat and gained NO muscle. They didn’t get stronger either! 

Tip #2: Weight Train with Full-Range of Motion, Multi-Joint Exercises
Choose weight training exercises that use more than one joint to burn the most calories and lose fat. These are called multi-joint lifts, such as the squat that uses the hip, knee, and ankle joints, or the chest press and row that both use the elbow and shoulder joints. Multi-joint exercises use more muscles than single-joint ones like bicep or leg curls, which means they burn more energy. Similarly, full-range of motion lifts will use up more calories to perform than partial-range exercises.

For instance, a study that compared a full-squat (in which you go all the way down so that your hip joint is lower than your knee) to a partial-squat (in which you go about two-thirds of the way to the point that your upper leg is parallel to the ground) found that the full-squat burned more calories. Another smart reason to do full-range exercises is that restricting the motion of a joint can lead to tightness in that joint and imbalances in your muscles, causing pain and increasing injury risk.

Tip #3: Use Moderate to Heavy Weights with Fewer Repetitions 
Lifting heavy but doing fewer reps with more sets is a key component for fat loss. Studies show that both experienced and beginning weight trainees rarely select weights that are heavy enough to help them lose fat and gain muscle when working out. For example, in one study of young athletic women, researchers found that the women chose to lift a load that was about 50 percent lower than the weight that they should be lifting if they wanted to improve body composition. Remember that example in the first tip that saw women who lifted light weights burned no fat?

The good news is that when you lift a little heavier, you get to do fewer repetitions per set, which will make your training much less boring. Wouldn’t you rather do sets with 7 or 8 reps than count to 15 or 20 every time?!

Tip #4: Weight Train with Short Rest, Fewer Reps & More Sets
Using short rest periods is essential because it will burn a massive amount of energy quickly and increase fat burning hormones. Growth hormone (GH) is known to burn fat and build muscle, and it is released by the body in greater quantities in response to physical stress. 

Circuit training is ideal because it is fun, fast, and intense. It burns more calories too: One study found that circuit training resulted in participants burning 15 percent more energy than a traditional training program that used 3-mintes rest periods. The circuit program had participants move as fast as possible between 3 exercises and do 5 sets of 6 reps per lift. Note the effectiveness of lifting heavy, with fewer reps, and more sets—this study didn’t measure fat loss but it’s the type of program known for producing fast body composition results.

Tip #5: Do Sprint Interval Training for Cardio
Sprint interval training is far superior to aerobic-style cardio for fat loss and it can be done in less time than your typical boring aerobic program. A 1994 study had participants do either 20 weeks of aerobic training or 15 weeks of intervals (15 sprints for 30 seconds each) and the interval group lost 9 times more body fat than the aerobic group.

What is so interesting about this study is that the energy cost of the aerobic program over the whole study period was 28,661 calories, whereas for intervals it was less than half, at 13,614 calories. In significantly less time, the interval group lost much more weight due to the hormone response to training and that excess calorie burn during the recovery period mentioned in #1!

Tip #6: Eliminate Processed Foods
It’s impossible to out-train a bad diet and processed foods are the epitome of bad food. They lack nutrition, generally contain chemicals, dyes, and artificial additives, and the macronutrients have been modified or are denatured, which means they aren’t metabolized in the same way as if they were in the unprocessed state.

In fact, processed foods take much less energy to digest, meaning that by eating whole foods instead, you increase energy expenditure. Eliminate anything that comes in a package and choose whole foods in their most natural state.

Tip #7: Eat a High-Quality High-Protein Diet
Eating high-quality organic protein is essential when it comes to fat loss because you want to get the greatest amino acid intake per calorie since the amino acids are the building blocks of tissue and muscle. A classic example of how a high-protein diet is the cornerstone of a lean body composition lifestyle is a study that helped participants develop better dietary habits for fat loss. They were taught how to eat either a high-protein, low-fat, or Mediterranean diet.

The high-protein group lost more weight and maintained the weight loss for the next two years after the study ended, whereas the other diet groups did not. Greater protein intake allowed for less feelings of hunger and fewer cravings for high-carb foods that provide a lot of calories per gram.

Tip #8: Hydrate for Fat Loss: Avoid Sports Drinks, Alcohol & Coffee Post-Workout
Completely eliminate juice, soda, alcohol (the one exception may be red wine), and any “sports” drinks. Green tea and coffee are great beverages for fat loss because they increase metabolic rate and shift the body into fat burning mode. But, be sure to only use coffee pre-workout because it has been shown to elevate the stress hormone cortisol after exercise, which can delay recovery and compromise fat loss post-workout.

Hydration is essential for fat loss and a general suggestion for water intake is 0.6 to 0.7 oz. per pound of body weight, which calculates to 120 to 140 oz. for a 200 lb man, or 72 to 84 oz. for a 120 lb woman. If you are not even close to your water intake goal, start by increasing intake by 4 to 8 oz. a day until you reach your goal.

If your care about your health on future let now begin to change your bad habit into the new healthy lifestyle, gain the ideal weight by cutting off the fat and burn more calories on your body. What the reason that finally make you decide to change your mind to begin your diet plan and change your life habit into the healthy life style.
This because some people near of you are fat or maybe just the age reason that open your mind or perhaps the combination of both the things, yes those are make sense. Sometime when your are still young you never feel strange anything on your body don’t care more than three time a days you eating junk foods is no matter for your, but when you getting older absolutely you can feel bad on your health.
Here we hope you would like to thinks by changing your lifestyle it would make your life more healthy then before. Beside that with healthy lifestyle you can get more benefit on your life such as feel slim, fell enjoy, feel comfortable and even can increase yourself confidence.  So begin to the right diet plans and get more those advantages for you.

For reach your goals on change into your healthy lifestyle we suggested you go to the doctor for the physical checkup. For see your current condition checking your blood is good ideal for beginning your diet, with blood checking you will know about your cholesterol and whole your health condition.
After the checking result tell your body is health than you can continue consult with the doctor about how to begin your diet planning, how to do some regular exercise, how to change your foods cravings habit and how to start those all. Discuss more detail about your planning is good so you will not screw by yourself at the future, do with carefully because if you not do the right things you can cause a lot of problems for the future.
After you’re discussing with your doctor has finished, now we suggested you’re for preparing your diet planning that suitable your health condition. We recommend to begin your diet with consume more vegetable, fruit and all natural foods that contain more fiber. Fiber is good for diet and good for your digest system.
If possible avoid from and cut off on consume more carbohydrate and fat, at least eating the fresh and natural products is good for help and keep your diet plan than reduce your weight.  Besides that doing some regular exercise is good idea for make optimal your diet plan, just walking around or jogging every morning or afternoon is very good for help your body to burn fat and more calories.
If you feel less only do walking and jogging than you can add more time for your regular exercise such as doing some swimming, playing football or doing the bike exercise. If you don’t have much time to go around you also can doing some exercise with the treadmill at your home. Do push yourself to do some hard exercise, simple and easy exercise with regular times is better.
Do you want to create a fabulous new hairstyles for your short hair? Do you want to know the most popular short hairstyles? In this text, I will show you some splendid short hairstyles and tips to create them.
Recently, the short hairstyles are quite stylish and popular. Besides, it is quite effortless to create and maintain short hairstyle. With so many chic and attractive short hairstyles that you can get rid off your usual old hairstyle. if you wonder to create which kind of short hairstyles, you can go on reading. The following are some quite trendy short hairstyles.
Best Short Haircuts for Women
Since there are a great number of short hairstyles; it is advisable that you choose the ideal one for your face structure and personality. You can never ignore the great importance of an ideal hairstyle for a woman. So it is high time to pick up fresh short hairstyles.
Best Short Hairstyles 2012
Short Bob Hairstyles
Short Bob Hairstyles 2012Short bob hairstyles are quite excellent for women. There are a lot of variations of bob styles. The classic short bob and the graduated bob haircuts can bring you s a tender look. Short bob haircuts are superbly versatile. A jaw length graduated bob is ideal for people with oval faces.
2012 Short Bob HairstylesBlunt bob hairstyles that are paired with Cleopatra bangs also appear quite fabulous on most women. Angled bob also appear wonderful for women from nearly all ages. If you have thin hair, you can opt for a simple bob with some angled cuts which can create you a much fuller style.
Pixie Haircuts
Short Pixie Haircuts 2012The pixie haircuts is quite sexy and it is quite ideal for people with round face. The layering at the sides can make it an excellent face framing hairdo. Choppy bangs are perfectly suitable for the pixie haircuts. It is better to apply some hairstyling cream for the better effect.
Short Wedge Haircuts
Wedge Short Haircuts 2012Short wedge haircuts can be your ideal option, too. To create the haircut, ask the hairstylists to cut the hair beginning from the back hairline, making sure every layer is trimmed slightly longer than the layer below. Creating some chic bangs will make the haircuts more charming and stunning.
There above mentioned were part of the most popular and fabulous for short hairstyles. Hopefully, you have made your decision to choose the most suitable one. Short hairstyles look quite chic and they can save your much time. If you want the fabulous short hairstyles to keep in style and shape for a longer period, you can go to a professional hair salon and get it trimmed every 6-8 weeks and get rid off the split ends. Thus, you can always enjoy it.
Experts say that when it comes to getting wrinkles, 10% is genetic – but 90% of environment and lifestyle. This is great news! Why? Because it means that you have control over your skin and how well – and quickly – misunderstood. In fact, you can now start to make lifestyle changes that really saved the skin and prevent wrinkles as possible. In particular, the following lifestyle advice proven to protect and nourish the skin: 1. Protect your skin from the sun – Without a doubt, the worst enemy of the skin to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation in sunlight causes skin damaged collagen and elastin, which causes premature wrinkling. One of the best lifestyle changes you can do is use a good sunscreen every day. Two. Do not smoke – The dangerous toxins in cigarette smoke do all kinds of nasty things on the skin, especially the face. Not only damage the collagen and elastin, as today, but also damage the skin from within. You can not inhale toxins through the skin and wish to be healthy. If you smoke, do what you need to do to stop it. If you do not smoke, do not even think about getting started! Three. Do not drink – alcohol is not good for the skin. One or two drinks once in a while probably will not hurt. But if you drink every day, your skin is not really as healthy. In addition it contains toxins, alcohol dehydration, it is good for the skin. Older drinkers almost always have more wrinkles and skin “ugly” patch nondrinkers. April. Get enough sleep – If you do not get enough sleep, even for a night, it looks and feel terrible. However, if you are chronically sleep deprived skin can really begin to breakdown. Why? Because you do not stop to look. Skin is the largest organ of your body, and your body to improve the body during sleep. Try to go to bed early and at the same time every night. Also, you may want to try a natural supplement melatonin. Recent research has shown that you only need about 0.3 mg to sleep and wake up without feeling dizzy, much less than 3.1 milligrams of melatonin contained in most supplements. May. Stress reduction – Doctors have long known that stress has many negative effects on the body. High levels of chronic fatigue certainly hurt the skin. First, if you are constantly stressed, can not sleep enough (see above). Second, the stress hormones produced in high-stress situation is very dangerous to the skin. Third, when you’re stressed, your skin receives less blood flow in your body directs blood to your organs, to prepare for the “fight or flight” – the pressure in the area. 6 Reasons to first. Food Antioxidants – Antioxidants boost the body’s ability to fight free radicals and protect the skin from damage. Many wrinkle creams contain many new antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of antioxidants of some of you. But we have to consider supplementation with extra vitamin C and vitamin E. Also, some people have “skin healthy” food supplement OPC new results.
Be careful while choosing the lip color as it contains waxes, oils, pigments and emollients that one must pay attention to for a quality product.
Wax gives shape and ease of application to the lipstick and often natural beeswax, carnauba wax made from the leaves of Brazilian wax palm trees and candelilla wax processed from the plant of the same name found in Mexico is used for the purpose. Castor oil is the most common ingredient as it forms a shiny film after drying that does not smudge easily. Other oils and fats such as cocoa butter, lanolin, mineral oil, olive oil and petrolatum are used in the manufacture of lipsticks.
To keep your lips soft, moist and protected from the weather conditions you should choose one which offers aloe Vera, amino acids, collagen, moisturizers, vitamin E and sunscreen.
A clear lip balm is the best thing for everyday use.
Glitter lipsticks and lip glosses are for special events and funky night parties that highlight your lips immensely.
A very light film of pink or red lipstick gives you the look of that carefree beauty.
Use a blood red lip liner to make precise lip lines and apply two coats of lipstick of same color that will make you look hot and trendy.
Mature women should not use matte lipsticks.
For an instant makeover, try a pink creamy blush to add rosyness to your cheeks and lids and use plump shade on your lips and you are ready to flaunt your beauty.
Lifestyle lip color
For women with large lips muted colors such as purples, browns and bronzes are the best choices.
Women with thinner lips should use light colors.Wine, berry, cappuccino and mauve colors suit light blondes best.
While coral, apricot and shades of peach are suitable for blondes that have a golden hue.
Redheads may use warm colors such as shades of terracotta, cinnamon and peachy brown.
Warm peach, brown and terracotta shades are for blondes that sport olive skin tones.
While shades such as terracotta, cinnamon and reds with hints of brown are the most suited colors for brunettes.
Make your lipstick smudge resistant and matte by blotting the excess color on lips using one sheet of two-ply tissue, reapplying the lipstick and blotting it again to absorb the excess oils. This will give you a long lasting effect.
In case, the lip color or brush slips from your hands accidentally and stains your clothes, apply the glycerine on the area and rub it gently, before washing it.
Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the UK; breast cancer is more common, but lung cancer is by far the most common cancer in men. Whilst every form of cancer deserves research and increasing developments in treatment, lung cancer often gets pushed aside due to its relation to smoking, but this should not be the case.
Whilst numbers of smokers is slowly declining, there are many people who are trying to quit – especially as a result of such campaigns as Stoptober brought about by the NHS and the government. This decline in smoker numbers is good news for everyone, but it is only the first step and may take a while to have the effects felt across the whole population.
Whether you smoke or not, it is still sensible to know some of the more common causes of lung cancer as it is so prolific. Most cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking – figures vary from 50% to 90% – so this in undeniable, but there are other factors too. One interesting statistic is that while the UK’s smoking population has halved over the last 50 years, the decline in lung cancer has not followed to the same extent; even when taking into account population growth. This shows that there are other factors which are causing the often deadly disease.
Arguably the second most common factor is that of asbestos exposure. When asbestos is breathed in it can take decades to cause adverse health effects. Asbestos fibres are incredibly small and often get through the lungs filtration system, which is where the lung cancer can come from, as well as other lung conditions such as asbestosis and mesothelioma. Sufferers of asbestos related lung cancer can sometimes claim compensation for the disease as the exposure is often work related. Companies such as Asbestos Advice Helpline are available to help people get the compensation they deserve.
Numerous chemicals have been proven to be a factor in the appearance of lung cancer, with one of the most common being radon. It can appear naturally in some stones, which can cause exposure in certain parts of the UK, the most common being the West Country and the Peak District. This usually is not enough to form lung cancer itself, but can exaggerate the effects of smoking.
Exhaust fumes from traffic have also been proven to increase the risks of contracting lung cancer, especially through long term exposure. The risk can be increased by up to 50% if someone is subjected to a lot of exhaust fumes on a frequent basis.
In addition to these factors, there are other things which can increase the danger; age, genetics, family history, diet and numerous other things can increase the risk by various degrees. These last factors are more related on chance, but the factors such as smoking, asbestos and other chemicals are things which people should be aware of and try to avoid.
People’s lifestyle is a major factor when it comes to health. Sometimes we can be susceptible to different diseases or disorders through hereditary means of complications we always have, but in most cases our health problems come from our surroundings and lifestyle.
Even the healthiest of use may still suffer health problems as our best medical advice is not fool proof and there are many things that we don’t understand yet. In the past there were many things that we thought were safe but have now been proven cause us harm. Smoking used to be much more popular and it was seen as sophisticated rather than harmful, but now we know that there are many harmful affect from smoking. Asbestos was once seen as a wonder material, being used widely to protect homes and businesses. Now it is well known that asbestos is dangerous to our health and has been responsible for many deaths, even with teams of asbestos claim handlers being created to help sufferers get compensation.
Protecting yourself from day to day can seem tough, with numerous reports being published almost every day extolling the virtues of something only to go directly against other evidence. Living a healthy life style doesn’t have to be difficult though, taking things in moderation and having a balanced diet and good levels of fitness are some of the best tactics to protect yourself against problems.
For most people you can isolate a specific part of your lifestyle which could be changed; nearly all the time the only reason this doesn’t change is due to other circumstances, such as lack of time, routines or dependant on money.
Many people know they should get to the gym more or be more active, but it is often easier said than done. Fitting in more exercise or spending more time cooking healthily rather than eating fast food is often hard to fit in around people’s active lifestyles. This bring in other factors into people’s lives, such as stress coming into play, which can cause a spiral down, making people get unhealthier and procrastinate continually.
If you find yourself in this position it is best to force yourself into a better lifestyle. Of course this is easier said than done, but once you start, it can make you feel better and hopefully set you on the right direction to maintaining your health!

Monday 5 August 2013

Your lifestyle can affect how severe your hay fever symptoms are.
A recent report, based on a survey of more than 2,000 people with hay fever, found that lifestyle factors, such as stress and exercise, can have a major impact on hay fever. Follow these tips to stop the sneezing.

1. Calm down

Try to reduce your stress levels. The survey showed a clear link between stress and the severity of hay fever symptoms. Almost seven out of ten stressed-out hay fever sufferers rate their symptoms as unbearable or debilitating. As stress levels drop, symptoms become milder. For more information, read about stress management.

2. Exercise more

Regular exercise can improve your hay fever. The survey found that people with hay fever who exercise most have the mildest symptoms. Exercise will help reduce your stress levels, too.
Aim to do 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as cycling and fast walking, every week. However, during hay fever season, it's best to avoid exercising outdoors when the pollen count is high. This is generally first thing in the morning and early evening. Instead, exercise in late morning or afternoon when pollen counts tend to be lowest. If pollen counts are really high, stick to indoor exercise, for example at your local gym or swimming pool.
For more information and practical advice on exercise, read about getting fit.

3. Eat well

The survey suggests that people with hay fever who eat a healthy diet are less likely to get severe symptoms.
Eat a varied, balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, but be aware than some healthy foods can make hay fever symptoms worse. Foods that can worsen hay fever symptoms include apples, tomatoes, stoned fruits, melons, bananas and celery.
For more tips and information, read about eating healthily.

4. Cut down on alcohol

Watch how much you drink at your summer picnics! Alcohol worsens hay fever. Beer, wine and other spirits contain histamine, the chemical that sets off allergy symptoms in your body. As well as making you more sensitive to pollen, alcohol also dehydrates you, making your symptoms seem worse.
For more advice on how to cut down on your drinking, read these articles about alcohol.

5. Sleep well

Try to avoid too many late nights during the hay fever season. The survey found that people with hay fever who get a good night’s sleep tend to have the mildest symptoms. Just one in eight (13%) people who had at least seven hours sleep a night reported severe symptoms, compared with one in five (21%) who regularly had five hours sleep or less a night.

In this article, there is an exhaustive list of beauty tips for fair skin at home. But this isn’t all about just face packs, We have tried to cover foods and other basics that are often ignored.
Before we get to fairness tips, you need to realize that protecting our skin from further damage is of utmost importance. Otherwise all our attempts will be of no use as skin will keep sustaining damage and you will keep wondering why none of the treatments are showing any results! So how can we do this?

Simple Daily Skin Care Necessities:

Our skin needs time and care for it to regenerate and leave behind the old and tired. Without this, improving our skin condition and color is an absolute impossibility. This is why we need to ensure the below basics to make time for the skin to heal itself.
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Sleep well
  • Exercise
  • Follow a good skin care routine. Do not skip the exfoliation on a regular basis! For without this we cannot get rid of dead and dry skin. You needn’t always buy a scrub. Homemade scrubs are just as effective! Use oatmeal for an exfoliator instead of a packaged product. There are many options!
  • Remove your makeup before you sleep every night. Yes every night without fail no matter how dead tired you are! With makeup on, our skin cannot repair itself.

In the morning time if you feel laziness then follow these quick tips to feel fresh and healthy at the start of the day. It is that time when you wake up and going for your routine work so if you are not fresh at that time your whole day goes upset and stressful.
Try these following tips to feel good and fresh in the morning time.
Breathe Deep:
Breathing deep is good for your health and it is also the important part of yoga because it gives the relaxation to your whole body. When you breathe deeply your all organs and cells go stress frees and satisfied. You will go refresh for your whole day work.
Hydration is very important to keep your body fresh and in working condition. Our body needs water in big quantity which helps our body to keep it hydrate. So it is good if you drink water in the morning time and starts hydrating your body.
Relaxation is very good remedy to feel fresh and active. When you’re each and every organ feel the relaxed and no stress then you automatically feel the energetic and fresh.
Take Your Dinner Early:
If you eat your dinner early from going to your bed will digest your food completely and you ‘ld wake up fresh in the next morning and it also helps you to keep your body healthy.
Eat Vegetables:
Vegetables are good for your health and especially green leaves vegetables have the rich amount of iron which makes your body healthy and fresh.
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